Friday, December 17, 2010

MilMo on the Move

We're extremely happy to be able to finally launch MilMo in Brazil, fully translated into Portuguese. Our Brazilian publisher, Mentez, has been great to work with and we're sure they will treat MilMo to a fantastic launch. The game is now available on Brazil's largest social network, Orkut and on (ofcourse, neither of this will affect MilMo on Facebook or

MilMo has been popular among Brazilian players from the very beginning. At first we found this a bit peculiar, but soon we found that some of the games that inspired MilMo are very popular in Brazil (for example Maplestory and Super Mario Bros). We also found that Brazil has a strong gaming culture, a fairly modern computer fleet, very computer-literate players and some 70 000 Internet cafés!

Now on to some news in MilMo Update 22!

The Flea Circus and the Kitchen

First off, we have two new and awesome levels for you, which unfolds more of the Mice & Maniax storyline and its dark mysteries. The strange and wonderful Flea Circus is finally open to the public (prepare for classic platform game craziness). Beyond it, we venture further into the mad scientist's house and try to survive the hellish Kitchen. Of course, all of this means new NPCs, creatures and tons of quests!

The Open Gift Dialog and some new Premium Items

This Holiday season the team has had great fun developing the long awaited Gift feature! In the Premium Shop, you can now click "Gift" on an item to get it for one of your friends. The recipient will get to open your present with a fun animation. Accompanying this feature is a batch of new cool premium items in the shop; weapons, holiday hats, samurai helmets, space marine outfits: you name it!

We're also launching the Winterfest Event on Seastar Resort and Kraken Island. It comes with a whole range of new Winter Medals. Collect them all and win the glorious Snow Gun!

Winterfest on Seastar Resort, and the new Profile Window

Another great new addition is the Profile Window, where you can view the details of any player. It displays information on title, membership, personal message, mood and any collected medals, tokens and reward items.

If you are playing on Facebook, you will notice that with this release, MilMo is officially switching from June Coins to Facebook Credits. Credits is the new official currency on Facebook (see how many you have in the top right corner of your browser). They are very easy to get a hold of, and they work in any game (!) on Facebook, including MilMo.

Vouchers can be upgraded to greater and greater value

With the Facebook Credits came an interesting design challenge. As we weren't allowed to give away Facebook's Credits, we couldn't convert your June Coins into Credits, and we couldn't give away Credits as Star Token awards for members. Because of this, we have come up with a new Voucher system that is part solution, part new gameplay system. A voucher is a small ticket that exists in four values: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Bronze can be upgraded to Silver, Silver to Gold and so on. Star Tokens now award you Vouchers and your existing June Coins have been exchanged for Vouchers. To make sure we introduce the new system with a bang, we've given you Vouchers worth four times the amount of the June Coins you had!

Have Fun,


Today's post is made by Calle Lundgren, game designer and project manager at Junebud. Calle has been making games for everything from the C64 to the PS3. He has also had time to help found a successful band and to start up Junebud! He has a hand in everything that goes on at the company - especially MilMo. 


  1. Hello,

    these were all some very interesting updates with it's pros and cons. As any game, the creators always have to make some decisions to make the game a succes, even though the old players might not like, it is neccesary to keep the game running. I think this goes for the voucher and opening up to Brazil. I think Milmo should make more or seperate servers to make this work better. I'm guessing the vouchers being redeemem in either june coins or fb credits is impossible, even in the future?
    For the rest I love the new levels! The Flea Circus really has added some new platforming jumping you really miss in massive online games and it's sneaking more and more into Milmo, which is great :D! I really am a big fan of bigger levels, they make the game more intersting. Lastly the Kitchen is just great, how you can work your way up around cupboards, etc, amazing!
    Keep up the good work ;)!


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