Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oswald - The archeologist

Meet Oswald, a new acquaintance in MilMo! 

In many years he lived and worked on a fishing boat at sea. But one day he got sick of that life and decided to become an archeologist at Cloud island. He soon became very liked and appreciated by everyone due to his kindness and desire to help people. Whenever someone needs assistance he will be there, helping them right away. That’s just the kind of guy he is! 

Oswald has always been a true romantic and have now decided to propose to his girlfriend. He just got one problem… he’s lost the wedding ring! He was digging for treasures (to be able to afford the wedding) and suddenly he noticed that the wedding ring in his pocket was lost! He searched and searched and could not find it anywhere… but he has not given up! He believes with all his heart that you MilMonauts will find it for him. And if you do, he promise to invite you to the wedding!

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